Feniscowles Primary School has created a curriculum intent statement. This intent has been written to provide an overarching context for our school curriculum to allow ‘A Feniscowles Child’ to ‘Live Life in its fullest’. This document can be found on our website and should be read in conjunction with our subject specific intent statements.
Mathematics is an important creative discipline that helps us to understand and change the world. We want all pupils at Feniscowles Primary School to experience the beauty, power and enjoyment of mathematics and develop a sense of curiosity about the subject with a clear understanding.
At Feniscowles, we foster positive can do attitudes and we promote the fact that ‘We can all do maths!’ We believe all children can achieve in mathematics, and teach for secure and deep understanding of mathematical concepts through manageable steps. We use mistakes and misconceptions as an essential part of learning and provide challenge through rich and sophisticated problems. At our school, the majority of children will be taught the content from their year group only. They will spend time becoming true masters of content, applying and being creative with new knowledge in multiple ways.
We aim for all pupils to:
Our Maths policy provides you with details on how we implement this intent through our curriculum. We have also provided our progression documents and Early Maths information so that you can see how Maths progresses throughout our school
Mastering Number Programme Supporting pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to develop good number sense